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Insights, outlooks – and an invitation to a very special constellation seminar

February, 2024

Dear friends,

After two months at Gut Nisdorf it already seems like an eternity:

So much has been achieved! So much has already been realized – in the house and grounds and also within ourselves. That’s why we are already sending you the second Nisdorf newsletter – and in between you can always find news here.

Here are a few impressions:

  • 22 people have already been to our „join-in weeks“ so far, supported us, pruned trees with us, polished furniture, cleaned apartments, cooked and whatever else needs doing. We are delighted with our lively network – and have had many inspiring conversations and encounters. This is how the purpose of this place, as we envision it, is beginning to unfold. Thank you! The next join-in week starts on March 5 – we want to get the pond in shape and renovate our apartment. There are still a few places available.

  • At the same time, we are sometimes overwhelmed and mercilessly exhausted – everything is new to us, again and again one or the other of us cannot sleep because we are preoccupied with thoughts about the manor: Is everything done, can we manage everything, have we thought of everything?

  • Then we remember to pause again, to be aware, to feel and to do good for ourselves. Then we notice again what a unique place we live in here, listen to the calls of the geese that sometimes fly over the house in their hundreds, walk the 200 meters to the Bodden and look out over the water or sit down under one of the huge oaks or ash trees.

  • Gradually, we realize that our presence here also brings with it a healing impulse for a historical issue: until fairly recent history, the relationship between the old manor and the village was one of serfdom, oppression and struggle for survival. In our first encounters with the people from the village, we sense curiosity, goodwill and a desire for contact. The estate is a landmark of the village, people want it to be in good hands and well looked after – and they would like to have occasions to get together. The next Nisdorf street festival on April 13 will happen on our grounds and will be a first step.

  • It is just as well that we have found and hired a wonderful and energetic cook in the village: Cindy has roots in Nisdorf and already knows the estate and its cuisine very intimately, as she used to conjure up the finest organic menus here.

  • We have an outdoor work of art with the potential to become a landmark: The “container ship“ … whether we use it as a tree house, playground, lighthouse – or simply as an unusual work of art.



  • At Easter, we invited our borrowers to a relaxed celebration of thanks and togetherness – we are already full, and there is already a small waiting list.

  • From April 1, we will open our Biohotel to guests for the first time: initially from April 1 to 14, then again at Pentecost, from May 12 to 20, and finally from June 15 to September 15 – and then again from September 27 to October 13 for the crane season.

  • During this time, you can officially come as a vacation guest – and please pass this tip on to friends or family. You can find more information and register here: (We have special friendship offers for our network outside the main season, please ask Ina:

  • From May 9-12, Ina and Achim will be offering their first Integral Constellation Seminar at Gut Nisdorf: “Growing into your own potential – Integral Structural Constellations”. Both have completed the training with Rolf and Vera Lutterbeck; and these constellations have become an important tool for us to recognize and dissolve emotional overreactions, entanglements and projections. We use it for both personal and systemic questions – for example: What social environment do we live in? How should I make decisions?

    In contrast to family constellations, with integral structural constellations you don’t have to name and explain all the conflicts and fields and yet you can often resolve them energetically – it sometimes seems like magic to us.

    We are very much looking forward to these days together – a seminar with vacation flair. Find more information here.


  • The last week before the main season is from June 3-9: “Tiptop & High Gloss”. We are preparing the house and grounds for the season and are looking forward to helping with cleaning, rebuilding and maintaining the purification system at the pond and gardening.

  • During the season we are happy to welcome friends who come for 2 or more weeks, help out in the house and grounds and support us in everything that needs to be done – this can also be combined with a vacation.

    You can also write to us at:


  • Achim has started to plant an edible landscape like at ZEGG. We look forward to every donation, whether small or large, for organic certified plants for the house and garden. You can do this here:

    Terra Nova e.G. – IBAN: DE20 4306 0967 1310 0326 00. BIC: GENODEM1GLS. GLS Gemeinschaftsbank e.G. Bochum

We are very excited – and feel every day that we have embarked on a real adventure. It’s good to know that we have your support.

All the best! Your glorious five:

Detlef, Ina, Georg, Achim, Christa

January 1, 2024

We wish all our friends, supporters and interested parties a wonderful new year. It’s a doubly special day for us: today we officially became the owners of Gut Nisdorf with the Terra Nova cooperative. We’re spending our first few days here, relaxing from moving home, settling in – and digesting what a decision we’ve made!

You can find out more about our plans for 2024 and the opportunities to visit us and help out in the 1st Nisdorf newsletter below.

Our hearts are always with Gaza. A genocide is happening before our eyes; our governments are supporting the Israeli army’s murder of the entire civil population through bombs, hunger and the destruction of an entire region.

We may not be able to do much, but we are not forced into indifference and silence! Our compassion, our solidarity and our hearts belong to the civilians of Gaza. No one deserves such cruelty!

In the name of humanity: the people there – the children! – need a ceasefire NOW. And then the whole world needs a deep healing path to a just peace – not only in the Middle East!

There are also encouraging voices:

Read the haunting and angry words of the Christmas sermon by Rev. Munther Isaac from Bethlehem.

Or the 18-year-old Israeli conscientious objector Tal Mitnick, who was sentenced to 30 days in prison for his refusal.

Listen to the podcast with dancer Mirjam Sutter: Dance for just peace.

And read Aida Shibli’s thoughts on direct solidarity.

Criticism and protest against Israel’s policies are not anti-Semitism, on the contrary: the self-destructive policies of Israel – as well as those of Hamas – endanger and destroy Semitic life.

We see ourselves as a peace project – we want to contribute to healing, reconciliation and just peace at all levels. We look forward to discussing peace ideas and strategies with our friends and guests. Opposing opinions are also welcome!

Have a peaceful and relaxing time!
From the bottom of our hearts – your Terra Nova team at Gut Nisdorf

December 12, 2023

Nisdorf Newsletter 1

Dear friends,

Boxes are piling up around us – and not (just) Christmas presents, but above all moving boxes. The big truck will be rolling north before Christmas – and a little later we will be moving into the Nisdorf estate on the Baltic Sea shore ourselves: Detlef, Ina, Achim, Georg and Christa.

We set up a place there for inspiration, new thoughts, deep breathing, creative work and experiencing nature. We call it the Terra Nova venue. We believe and experience that every real encounter has the potential for a new beginning. Once again, we are taking big steps into the unknown. Our vision remains the same: a liberated humanity on a regenerating planet. The path towards this unfolds as we walk.

We realize that we have to start with provisional solutions in all areas. This newsletter, for example, does not yet have its final design, and the website will not be ready until the new year. Nevertheless, we would still like to let you know this year how and when you can visit us next year, work with us, spend your vacation with us or support us in other ways.

You can always find the latest developments on our website:

We are very happy to receive guests. Please make sure you register in advance!

Our websites are not finished yet, but have a look around anyway.
Go on vacation:
Our content:
E-mail for everything: kontakt(at)

It is also still unclear how we can differentiate between personal visits from relatives and friends and hotel guests and how this will be financially. What is already clear:

The official vacation season is from June 15 – September 8. During the vacation season, we keep our 12 vacation apartments available for hotel rentals. For friends who would like to use our hotel for their vacation outside this period, we offer friendship rates. Get in touch so that we can discuss what you would like and how we can arrange it.
Helpers and cooks wanted!

In the period from June 15 – September 8, you are very welcome to help in the kitchen and housekeeping in exchange for board and lodging. This can easily be combined with a vacation. We are particularly looking for cooks with experience in organic food and the hospitality industry: they should be here for at least 2 weeks for the evening meal of our half-board catering. We also have a small wage budget that we can use for some of the obligatory helpers and the cooks.

At other times we have volunteer weeks where we are happy for you to come, live with us and help out in the garden and house for about 6 hours a day in return for board and lodging.

March 4-10: House and garden work away week. (We are looking forward to many people who can help. We’ll be clearing the filter trenches by the pond and creating a garden, making – hopefully – a terra preta fire, building beds and oiling wooden floors… and whatever else is on the agenda).

March 28-31: EASTER Festival. A get-together especially for our lenders and friends. We want to celebrate, share life visions, explore the place, enjoy the house and surroundings. There is a sauna. We have room for up to 50-60 people if we move a little closer together. Please register soon so that we can plan! Feel free to extend your stay by a few days or even two weeks. Let us know if you need your own room or if you can share a twin or multi-bed room (at the basic cost price, to be announced).

April 1-14: Holidays at Gut Nisdorf. We are officially opening the “Biohotel” to vacation guests for the first time.
(From 26.3.-16.4. we already need helpers for the house and kitchen and a cook).

May 10-11: Seminar offer: Growing into your own potential – Integral Systemic Structural Constellations with Ina Meyer-Stoll and Achim Ecker. Arrival 9.5. ” more here

May 12-20: Holidays at Gut Nisdorf
(From May 7-22 we need helpers for the house and kitchen and a cook).

May 12-20: Vacation at Gut Nisdorf
(From May 7-22 we need helpers for the house and kitchen and a cook).

June 3 – 9: Join in week: Tiptop & glossy. We prepare the house and the pond for the season and are looking forward to help with cleaning the pond.

June 15 – September 8: Holidays at Gut Nisdorf.
(During the whole time we need helpers for the house and kitchen and cooks for at least 2 weeks at a time).

January 16-21: Participation week for pruning, house maintenance and kitchen set-up (we can still use 2-3 people for house maintenance)

One more thing on the subject of money:
As it goes – we didn’t get a loan we had already planned for and a house sale is taking longer than we wanted. This created a financing gap in the spring. We would be delighted if some people could give us more loans or extend individual loans.

As you can see, the project rests on many shoulders. Please give it some thought – and get in touch if you have any ideas, questions or suggestions on how you would like to get involved.

Detlef, Ina, Achim, Georg and Christa



November 20, 2023

It’s done and signed: Terranova eG will be the owner of Gut Nisdorf as of January 2024. After months of intensive work on the small print, we went to the notary today.

At the notary
Our cooperative board (left with Georg and Achim) and the current owners (Jürg and Sabine) signing the deed.

We will soon be sending out the first newsletter (subscribe here) with further information.

At the moment we are on site, familiarizing ourselves with everything and learning how to oil wooden floors and make bookings… and at the end of the year we will move in properly.

November 13, 2023

We are delighted. Today we received the final approval for our bank loan. It is now certain that we will sign the purchase agreement and the contract to take over the GmbH as the operating company on Monday, November 20th in Greifswald.

A few weeks ago, we had a befriended lanscaping specialist on site who discussed the maintenance of the pond system with us. We will tackle this in spring.

In a week’s time, a befriended building specialist will be coming to look at two damp areas on the building and advise us on how to renovate them.

As you can see, a lot is happening and we are grateful and excited.

November 7th, 2023

Our new interim status

Our loan application to the bank is now finally on its way from our advisor to the head office in Bochum for assessment after many questions still needing to be clarified. We expect the final answer in the next 10 days.

We have the third and probably final notary appointment in Greifswald on November 20. We will sign a contract there: Either the purchase agreement, which will make us the owners of Gut Nisdorf with 1.2 hectares of land from 1.1.24 onwards – or a Plan B negotiated with the owners, which is a good interim solution.

On 19.12.24 we rented a truck and a trailer for our move to Nisdorf. So things are getting concrete!
From January we will live there with the previous owners until mid-February and can still learn a lot from them. From mid-February we can renovate our own apartment and move in in March.
We will then have landed there properly, moved in and – hopefully – found our things again from the many moving boxes.

In mid-January, from January 16-21, there will be a tree-cutting event with a cherry picker. We still need two or three people to help on the ground, preferably with chainsaw experience.
From March 4 to 10, we will be carrying out work on the grounds. We need to continue clearing and charring branches for Terra Preta, cleaning trenches for the pond – and other things to make the grounds shine. This includes a large vegetable garden and much more.You are invited to register with Achim (achim.ecker(at)

We are excited and looking forward to our new home!

Oktober 8th, 2023

Dear friends and supporters, we are once again challenged to be more patient: The bank still needs clarification after all. We continue to hold the tension, and at the same time our concrete planning becomes more and more concrete.

We still want to sign the sales contract on October 19th and expect an answer from the bank by the end of next week.

If everything goes as we think, we will already spend a lot of time at Gut Nisdorf in the winter and become more and more familiar with the place, with its requirements and how our visions can be realized there. We do this in great respect for what our previous owners have built there. We are happy about the nice and honest relationship with them. It feels really good.

We are also planning concretely when next year we can invite our friends, supporters, possible aspirants once to get to know each other – probably it will be at Easter.

In the main season, between mid-June and mid-September, we will also need active support – among others from an experienced cook and also in housekeeping – who can lend a hand and live with us in a temporary community. Get in touch if you are interested in being with us for at least 4 weeks.

We still need and are looking for people who can support us financially – through a low interest loan or even a deposit… please contact us (best by mail) if you want to and can help us in this hot initial phase.

November 13, 2023

We are delighted. Today we received the final commitment from GLS for our bank loan. It is now certain that we will sign the purchase agreement and the contract to take over the GmbH as the operating company on Monday, November 20 in Greifswald. Nothing stands in the way of this.

A few weeks ago, we had a horticultural specialist friend on site who discussed the maintenance of the pond system with us. We will tackle this in the spring.

In a week’s time, a building specialist friend of ours will be coming to look at two damp areas on the building and advise us on how to renovate them.

As you can see, a lot is happening and we are grateful and excited.

July, 26th, 2023

Dear friends,

It is becoming serious: We are in the process of concluding the preliminary contract – thanks to the loans of many friends and also credit commitments from the bank, we see ourselves in a position to make a binding commitment to the purchase… 

We are feverishly preparing calculations, applying for subsidies, collecting documents… 

A big thanks to all who are already supporting us. It is really very touching to have so many friends.

And we can use further support very well: Who still has money in the bank and can spare it for one or more years: Please get in touch!

And if you want to stay up to date, sign up for the newsletter HERE.

See you soon! Sincerely

Christa, Georg, Ina, Detlef, Achim

Article by Achim Ecker:

Towards a collaborative meeting and healing space.

How do we create peace – in the world, in our community and in ourselves?

Once again, Europe finds itself in the midst of an ongoing war that is dominating our thoughts, our feelings and our actions.

Peace must be actively created and maintained. In wars, there are no winners (except for the arms industries, who win no matter what the outcome).

Continue reading