Contributing and Visiting

Terra Nova is a community project. This doesn’t just apply to us who live here. But also the many people who have already helped us, given us gifts, lent us money, visited us and supported us in other ways.

Thank you!!! We would not have come this far without you.

And we still want and need you!

Ways to support us:
We have planned participation weeks throughout the year. The next one is from June 3-9.

During these weeks – and also during the guest season from June to September – we invite friends to actively support us in exchange for food and lodging. This includes work inside and outside, in the garden, kitchen and housekeeping.

If you know your way around a particular area, let us know: there are always special tasks that we can’t get on with.

Gifts of money and loans are also always welcome.

Contact us by e-mail or telephone to find out more

We are working on our seminar calendar.

One seminar is already fixed:

May 9-12: “Growing into your own potential – Integral Structural Constellations”.

With Achim Ecker and Ina Meyer-Stoll. Both have completed training with Rolf and Vera Lutterbeck: a tool for recognizing and resolving emotional overreactions, entanglements and projections. Suitable for both personal and all systemic questions – for example: What social environment do we live in? How should I decide?
In contrast to family constellations, integral structural constellations do not require you to name and explain all the conflicts and fields and can still often resolve them energetically – it sometimes feels like magic.
We are very much looking forward to this seminar with vacation flair. Find more information here.